Page 2 - Kinetic6_Brochure_2
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KVI stands for Kinetic Vulnerability Index and is unique to Kinetic 6. It’s a number between
                 0 and 100 that allows you to assess how vulnerable you are as a company. Using software with
                 world beating algorithms we can search all corners of the web. How many of your employees’
                 passwords, for example, are out there? How many confidential matters and emails are being
                 sold to the highest bidder? No “aware” firm should be without this information.

                    Your Kinetic Vulnerability Index will
                    be a number between 0 and 100
                    this will allow you to assess how
                    vulnerable you are as
                    a company.

                If your KVI is below 20 then you are a very secure company, but in order to stay that way you
                need our constant monitoring service. If your KVI is high then you need us now, because there
                is significant activity amongst the less honourable folk who are willing to use and abuse your
                secure data to their financial advantage,  which may result in a bigger financial penalty for you.

                 The first thing you will probably want to know is about your own company’s KVI. We can do this
                 for you, given that you request us to run the report for you. The intelligent software will search
                 every part of the web on your behalf and will return vulnerability indicators. Indicators like how
                 many of your emails and passwords are being sold. Indicators like how many websites are making
                 money from your hacked data. The list, of course, goes on and on but we can provide you with a
                 more technical presentation of exactly what is involved should your technical people require it.
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