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                  What most commercial companies call a risk register is in fact an ambiguity register. A real
                  risk register is able to predict the likelihood of an event happening, based on predictive
                  algorithms looking at historical data, in contrast to simply “best-guessing” based on gut
                  feel. However, what you need for a business, is not a risk register but an ambiguity register.
                  So, when we refer to a risk register throughout this document, you now know that we are
                  actually talking about ambiguity, which is a best guess.

                  In the realm of “uncertainty”

                  there are three segments:                          Ambiguity is

                  • Risk, where the probability can be
                      forecast based on historic data,               best guess
                      The Petro-chemical industry is one
                      such example.                                  probability

                  • Ambiguity, where the probability and
                      business impact are best guesses based
                      on a little data and a lot of gut instinct.

                  • No idea at all.

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